Academic life at Rapid City Christian School is based on two principles:  first, that all the truth is of God, and second, that high school should be a time of broad, general learning which serves both to prepare a student for future specialization and to shape his view of life.

Our curriculum integrates these princIples with each of the primary branches of knowledge. Building a foundation of rigorous instruction in the content and message of the Bible, in the use of words, and in the use of numbers, our faculty helps students apply their growing academic abilities and maturing Christian perspective to the study of logic, biology, the physical sciences, history, geography, literature, foreign languages, and the fine arts.  Along the way they learn to reason clearly and biblically, to think, creatively as those upon whom rests the Imago Dei, and to articulate their view persuasively, commissioned by their Lord to be a light in a dark world.


High School Curriculum


Guidance Office


Summer Suggested Reading & Resources